As your due date approaches, you might be wondering how to recognize the start of labour. This question is common among first-time mothers. Let’s provide you with more information about the signs and stages of labour, so you’ll be better prepared for what’s ahead.
Recognizing the clear signs of labour
Pay attention to the following signs to determine if labour is approaching. These signs typically occur during the early stage of labour. Keep in mind that not all of these signs may happen simultaneously, so consider each one.
- Mucus Plug Release: Also known as the “show,” your mucus plug might come out in a jelly-like form.
- Water Breaking: Your water may break, indicating a rupture of the amniotic sac.
- Contractions or Tightenings: You might experience contractions resembling period pain.
- Backache and Upset Stomach: You could feel back pain or stomach discomfort similar to menstrual aches.
- Urge to Urinate: Pressure from the baby’s head might lead to a frequent urge to urinate due to its impact on your bowel.
Understanding the stages of labour
Labour occurs in three stages:
- First Stage: This is the longest stage. It begins with the cervix starting to dilate and contractions becoming more frequent. This stage includes early labour, active labour, and the transitional phase.
- Second Stage: In this stage, your cervix is fully dilated, and you’re ready to push and deliver your baby.
- Third Stage: After your baby is born, you enter the third stage, which involves delivering the placenta.
By being aware of these signs and stages, you can feel more prepared for the journey of labour and childbirth. Remember, each woman’s experience is unique, so don’t hesitate to consult your healthcare provider for guidance and support.