Formula-fed newborn feeding guide: How much is ideal?

Formula-fed newborn feeding guide: How much is ideal?

Understanding how much your newborn should eat is crucial, particularly in the early days of their life. This guide provides insight into the appropriate amount and feeding schedule for your baby. Keep in mind that your baby’s requirements may vary, so pay attention to their cues and make adjustments accordingly.

How much should my newborn eat?

During the initial days of life, your newborn should consume around 60 to 90ml (2 to 3 ounces) of formula every 3 to 4 hours. If your baby sleeps for extended periods, it’s advisable to wake them up for a feed.

By the end of the first month, your baby’s intake should increase to 120ml (4 ounces) of formula every 4 hours.

When your baby reaches 6 months, they should be taking in 180 – 240ml (6 to 8 ounces) of formula during each feed, repeated 4 to 5 times a day.

As a general rule, your baby should consume approximately 75ml (about 2.5 ounces) for every 1 pound (453g) of their body weight. However, this guideline might fluctuate based on their individual needs. Especially in the early days, it’s better to feed your baby on demand.

How will I know if my baby is hungry?

A clear sign that your baby is hungry is if they finish their bottle and continue licking or smacking their lips. In such cases, consider offering a few extra millilitres. Sometimes, babies have an increased need for sucking, so offering a pacifier could help if you think they’ve consumed a substantial amount of formula in a day. If you’re concerned about your baby’s feeding habits, don’t hesitate to consult your GP.

After 2 months, most formula-fed babies won’t require feeding during the night and can sleep for longer stretches. Additionally, their stomach capacity will grow, allowing them to take in more during each feeding session.

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