Your tests and appointments during pregnancy

Your tests and appointments during pregnancy

To start, a big congratulations is definitely in order – fantastic job!

Now, let’s take a look at what you can expect in terms of tests and appointments with your doctor or midwife throughout the 40 weeks of your pregnancy while residing in the UK. Presented here is a concise overview aimed at making things clearer and providing you with a brief reference to the upcoming events:

Routine tests and appointments

First trimester (0 – 12 weeks)

  • GP Appointment: This is your first appointment and confirmation of your pregnancy,
  • First midwife appointment, anytime between 6 and 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • First blood tests, including group, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and a complete overview.
  • Your 12-week dating scan and Nuchal test. Done between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Second trimester (13 – 26 weeks)

  • Second midwife appointment – around 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Specialist appointment if there are any concerns regarding your pregnancy.
  • The second scan – or the so-called anomaly scan – is done at 20 weeks.
  • 25-week midwife appointment.
  • Growth scan – If there is a risk, your doctor might want to see how the baby is developing. They are done when required.

Third trimester (27 – 42 weeks)

  • Midwife appointment – 28 weeks.
  • A gestational diabetes test is done after 28 weeks, only if there is a direct risk.
  • Midwife appointment – 31 weeks.
  • Whooping cough vaccine before 32 weeks. A flu jab is to be considered depending on the season. Both arranged/done with GP.
  • Your prenatal course(s) – check with your midwife. Done around 34 weeks, weekend sessions available in some areas.
  • Growth scan – If there is a risk, your doctor might want to see how the baby is developing. They are done when required.
  • 34-week midwife appointment.
  • 36-week midwife appointment.
  • 38-week midwife appointment.
  • 40-week midwife appointment.
  • 41-week midwife appointment.
  • 42-week midwife appointment – If you have not had your baby by this time and have chosen not to have an induction, you should be offered increased baby monitoring.

Please keep in mind the above list might not be complete. In addition to the above, you might see your doctor/midwife more frequently if you are having a high-risk pregnancy, if they have any concerns regarding the growth of the baby or the functioning of your placenta, etc.

We are proud of you, you are doing great!

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