Your pregnancy journey: Week 16 of pregnancy

Your baby is the size of an avocado

Congratulations on reaching Week 16 of your extraordinary pregnancy journey! As you continue to witness the wonders of your evolving pregnancy, let’s explore the latest developments and offer insights to enhance your well-being. In this guide tailored for our UK moms-to-be, we’ll delve into the size of your blossoming baby, highlight specific symptoms, and provide essential tips to ensure you remain well-informed and engaged during this delightful stage.

Baby’s size and development at Week 16

At Week 16, your baby has grown to the size of an avocado, measuring around 4.6 inches (11.6 cm) and weighing approximately 100 g. The second trimester brings a period of steady growth, and your little one is now practising essential skills such as sucking and swallowing, preparing for the exciting moment when they can taste the amniotic fluid.

Symptoms you might experience during Week 16

  • Visible baby bump: As your baby continues to grow, your baby bump becomes more pronounced. Embrace the changes in your body, and consider investing in supportive maternity wear to ensure both comfort and style.
  • Increased energy levels: Many women experience a surge in energy during the second trimester. Take advantage of this vitality to engage in activities you enjoy, whether it’s gentle exercise, creative hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones.
  • Feeling baby movements: Some mothers may start feeling flutters or gentle movements, a magical connection between you and your baby. These movements will become more distinct as your pregnancy progresses, creating cherished moments.
  • Bleeding gums: are very common in pregnancy due to increased blood flow, so it’s important to see the dentist and take care of your oral hygiene during pregnancy.
  • Vaginal discharge: You might experience an increase in clear or white vaginal discharge, which is normal. Any discharge that is different in colour or has a smell, making you feel itchy or sore, requires attention from your GP or midwife so make sure you check it out. 

Tips to make your life easier at 16 weeks pregnant

  • Continue a balanced diet: As your appetite may increase, continue focusing on a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide the necessary nourishment for both you and your growing baby.
  • Mindful weight gain: It’s natural to gain weight during pregnancy, but being mindful of healthy weight gain is essential. Consult with your healthcare provider to ensure your weight gain aligns with recommended guidelines for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Maintain hydration: Continue staying well-hydrated throughout the day. Adequate hydration supports your body’s increased blood volume and contributes to overall well-being. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Gentle exercise routine: Continue engaging in gentle exercises like swimming, walking, or prenatal yoga. These activities support your physical well-being, alleviate stress, and prepare your body for the changes ahead. Always consult with your healthcare provider before initiating new exercise routines.

Looking ahead

As you bask in the glow of Week 16, celebrate the growth and vitality that the second trimester brings. Your baby is thriving, and so are you. Stay engaged with your changing body, nurture your well-being, and anticipate the upcoming weeks filled with more exciting developments and memorable moments in your UK pregnancy journey. Get ready for the continued wonders that lie ahead!

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