Your pregnancy journey: Week 18 of pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a bell pepper

Welcome to Week 18 of your extraordinary pregnancy journey in the UK! As you navigate this exciting phase, let’s delve into the latest developments, offering insights to enhance your well-being. In this guide crafted for our UK moms-to-be, we’ll explore the size of your blossoming baby, highlight specific symptoms, and provide essential tips to ensure you remain well-informed and engaged during this remarkable stage.

Baby’s size and development at Week 18

At Week 18, your baby has blossomed to the size of a bell pepper, measuring approximately 5.6 inches (14.2 cm) and weighing around 190 g. Your little one is actively flexing their limbs, and you may start to feel more pronounced movements. These sensations create a stronger connection as you bond with the life growing within. The brain can now start to process the sounds and the retinas in the eyes are becoming more sensitive to light.

Symptoms you might experience during Week 18

  • Skin Changes: Hormonal fluctuations may continue to affect your skin, potentially causing changes like pigmentation and the appearance of stretch marks. Embrace these as natural aspects of the journey and consider moisturizing to keep your skin supple.
  • Ligament pain: Relaxin, a hormone that loosens the ligaments, is released during the second trimester so you may be feeling some pain around your hips and pelvis.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness: As your blood vessels dilate to accommodate increased blood flow, and your blood pressure lowers, you may experience dizziness or lightheadedness. Ensure you stay hydrated and avoid standing up too quickly to minimize these episodes.
  • Increased vaginal discharge: An increase in vaginal discharge is common during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. If the discharge is clear or white and doesn’t have a strong odour, it’s likely normal. However, consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Tips to make your life easier at 18 weeks pregnant

  • Gentle exercise for well-being: Engage in gentle exercises that promote both physical and mental well-being. Prenatal yoga, swimming, and walks in nature can be excellent choices. Consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.
  • Communication with your baby: Take moments to communicate with your baby. Whether it’s talking, singing, or gently massaging your belly, these interactions can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of reassurance for both you and your baby.
  • 20-week or anomaly scan: It’s getting time for your anomaly scan, the most detailed scan you will have during your pregnancy, where you might also be able to see your baby moving.
  • Stay informed about antenatal classes: Investigate antenatal classes available in your area. These classes provide valuable information about labour, childbirth, and early parenthood. Connecting with other expectant parents can also be a source of support and camaraderie.
  • Plan relaxing activities: As you navigate the second trimester, plan relaxing activities that bring joy and tranquillity. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to soothing music, or enjoying a warm bath, prioritizing self-care contributes to your overall well-being.

Looking ahead

Week 18 marks a significant point in your pregnancy journey, filled with vitality and connection. Your baby’s movements become more tangible, creating precious moments of bonding. Stay engaged with your changing body, nurture your well-being, and anticipate the upcoming weeks filled with more exciting developments and memorable moments in your UK pregnancy journey. Get ready for the continued wonders that lie ahead!

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