Your pregnancy journey: Week 38 of pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a leek

Welcome to Week 38 of your extraordinary pregnancy journey! As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your little one, let’s explore the latest developments, offer insights to enhance your well-being, and ensure you remain well-informed and engaged. In this guide tailored for our UK moms-to-be, we’ll delve into the size of your blossoming baby, highlight specific symptoms, and provide essential tips for this crucial week.

Baby’s size and development at Week 38

At Week 38, month 9, your baby has grown to the size of a leek, measuring approximately 19.6 inches (49.8 cm) and weighing around 3 kg. This marks a period of readiness, with your little one’s organs fully developed and their body gaining the necessary fat stores for temperature regulation after birth. Your baby’s hands have fully formed nails, and the intestines are accumulating lots of meconium (baby’s first bowel movement). The circumference of the head and the baby’s abdomen are about the same size.

Symptoms you might experience during Week 38

  • Increased discharge: As your body continues to prepare for childbirth, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If there are any changes in colour or consistency, or if you experience itching, consult your healthcare provider.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions: These practice contractions may become more frequent. If you experience contractions that are regular and increasingly intense, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Back pain: The weight of your growing baby may contribute to increased back pain. Practice good posture, use supportive pillows, and consider gentle exercises to alleviate discomfort.

Tips to make your life easier at 38 weeks pregnant

  • Pelvic Floor exercises: Continue prioritizing pelvic floor exercises to support the uterus, bladder, and bowel. Strong pelvic floor muscles can contribute to a healthier pregnancy and may ease the birthing process.
  • Prepare for labour: Attend antenatal classes to refresh your knowledge of pain management techniques, the stages of labour, and postpartum care. These classes provide valuable information and build your confidence as you approach the birthing process.
  • Stay active: Engage in light, gentle exercises to maintain overall well-being. Activities such as walking or swimming can be beneficial, promoting physical and emotional support.

Looking ahead

As you embrace Week 38, you’re on the verge of welcoming your little one with confidence and anticipation. Your baby’s development is complete, and you’re actively preparing for the approaching weeks. Stay engaged with your changing body, nurture your well-being, and anticipate the upcoming stages filled with more exciting developments and cherished moments in your UK pregnancy journey.

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