Your pregnancy journey: Week 40 of pregnancy

Your baby is the size of a watermelon

Welcome to Week 40—the culmination of your incredible pregnancy journey in the UK! As you stand on the threshold of meeting your little one, let’s explore the latest developments, offer insights to enhance your well-being, and ensure you remain well-informed and engaged. In this guide tailored for our UK moms-to-be, we’ll delve into the size of your blossoming baby, highlight specific symptoms, and provide essential tips for this significant week.

Baby’s size and development at Week 40

At Week 40, your baby is now the size of a watermelon, measuring approximately 20.7 inches (52.6 cm) and weighing around 3.5 kg. Congratulations, you’ve reached the final chapter of this miraculous journey, and your little one is fully prepared for the transition to the outside world.

Symptoms you might experience during Week 40

  • Pelvic discomfort: Increased pressure on the pelvis may lead to discomfort. Gentle exercises, warm baths, and changing positions can provide relief.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions: These practice contractions may continue and become more pronounced. While typically not painful, if you experience regular and increasingly intense contractions, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Pre-labour signs and symptoms: You might start experiencing early or pre-labour signs, including lower-back ache, a “show” which is when the mucus sealing the cervix plug comes off, and your water might break.
  • Nesting instinct: The desire to organize and prepare for the baby’s arrival may intensify. Embrace this nesting instinct by gradually preparing your home for the new addition.

Tips to make your life easier at 40 weeks pregnant

  • Maintain open communication: Stay in regular contact with your healthcare provider. Discuss any concerns or changes in symptoms you may be experiencing, ensuring you have the support and information needed for the upcoming days.
  • Prepare for the hospital: Ensure everything is ready for your hospital stay. Double-check your hospital bag, confirm transportation arrangements, and familiarize yourself with the route to the hospital.
  • Membrane sweep: If you want to get things going, you might consider a membrane sweep.
  • Rest and relaxation: As you await the arrival of your baby, prioritize rest and relaxation. Take short naps, practice deep breathing exercises, and enjoy quiet moments to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Celebrate the moment: Take this time to celebrate the incredible journey you’ve been on. Reflect on the changes, the anticipation, and the growth, both for you and your baby. Capture the final days of your pregnancy in a journal or through photos to cherish these precious memories.

Looking ahead

As you stand at the threshold of Week 40, you’re on the brink of meeting your little one with confidence and anticipation. Your baby’s development is complete, and you’re actively preparing for the approaching moments. Get ready for the joyous culmination of this incredible experience—the birth of your precious baby!

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